Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2

Around november, ending journey of love Edward Cullens and Bella Swan will end up with his latest movie titled Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2.If you've read the book Breaking Dawn, I'm sure you can guess the plot of Breaking Dawn Part 2.I think the synopsis of Breaking Dawn Part 2 will be like this: Bella is a vampire with special abilities and Rensemee was born and grew by leaps and bounds, the conflict began when Irina reports to the Volturi family tentangt existence Rensemee Cullen in the family and they make it as an excuse to attack the Cullen family . Fortunately bloodshed between Vampires can be avoided after the Cullen family managed to convince the Volturi that Renesmee is not immortal child.The following synopsis of Breaking Dawn Part 2

    Bella has been transformed into a vampire and strong. As a new vampire, Bella is supposed to be extremely bloodthirsty. but miraculously he quickly was able to control his new instincts. Bella had a rage and attacked his friend Jacob when mengetahuitahu the Meng-imprint Renesmee, but Edward and Seth managed to calm her down.

    Bella was eager to meet with Charlie (father), but he was puzzled to explain to Charlie about the changes happening to her. Knowing this, Jacob took the initiative to tell the secret Charlie.tentang another world. By way of changing menjai depanya wolves, Jacob also explains that Bella has also experienced unusual changes with a Vampire. During his visit, Charlie was fascinated to see Renesmee (grandson) who is half vampire baby.

    Renesmee grows rapidly, within a few weeks he could talk and was able to walk and hunt. When Bella and Jacob took him hunting, a vampire from the Denali clan saw Renesmee and regard it as immortal child. With his ability, Alice saw Irina menlaporkan where Renesmee to the Volturi. According to the Volturi, immortal child is a felony in the Vampires. Alice suspect that it will be used as an excuse by the Volturi to come and destroy the Cullen family. Soon, Alice and Jasper disappeared.

    Another vampire family called the Cullen family to witness that Renesmee is not immortal child, but a half-vampire. They hope it can make the Volturi understand and undo the decision to attack the Cullen family. but in case insisted Volturi confrontation, they are trained to confront the formidable vampires dikirimVolturi. When practicing that Bella realizes that she can use her power as a shield to protect his friends the other.

    When the two sides have confronted each other, the Volturi finally realized that Irene had given them wrong information about Renesmee. This makes Irina directly executed on the spot. However, the Cullen family can not breathe. Volturi still has not decided whether the presence of a half-vampire could jeopardize the confidentiality of the vampire world of humans or not. That's when Alice and Jasper emerged carrying a half-vampire named Nahuel who proves that do not harm human half-vampire vampire world.

    Viewing the evidence given by Nahuel and realize great strength Bella shields have, Volturi finally decided to go and a great battle was finally able to be prevented.

Dan ini video twilight saga breaking dawn part 2 official trailer

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